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Gezondheid > Epilepsie

1.   Berendt M Dam M Clinical presentations of naturally occurring canine seizures: similarities to human seizures Epilepsy Behav. 2003;4:198-199.
2.   Berendt M Gram L Epilepsy and seizure classification in 63 dogs: a reappraisal of veterinary epilepsy terminology J.Vet.Intern.Med. 1999;13:14-20.
3.   Berendt M, Gredal H, Pedersen LG et al. A cross- sectional study of epilepsy in Danish Labrador Retrievers: prevalence and selected risk factors J.Vet.Intern.Med. 2002;16:262-268.
4.   Berendt M, Hogenhaven H, Flagstad A et al. Electroencephalography in dogs with epilepsy: similarities between human and canine findings Acta Neurol.Scand. 1999;99:276-283.
5.   Famula TR Oberbauer AM Reducing the incidence of epileptic seizures in the Belgian Tervuren through selection Prev.Vet.Med. 1998;33:251-259.
6.   Famula TR Oberbauer AM Segregation analysis of epilepsy in the Belgian tervueren dog Vet.Rec. 2000;147:218-221.
7.   Famula TR, Oberbauer AM, Brown KN Heritability of epileptic seizures in the Belgian tervueren J.Small Anim Pract. 1997;38:349-352.
8.   Gredal H, Berendt M, Leifsson PS Progressive myoclonus epilepsy in a beagle J.Small Anim Pract. 2003;44:511-514.
9.   Hall SJ Wallace ME Canine epilepsy: a genetic counselling programme for keeshonds Vet.Rec. 1996;138:358-360.
10.   Heynold Y, Faissler D, Steffen F et al. Clinical, epidemiological and treatment results of idiopathic epilepsy in 54 labrador retrievers: a long-term study J.Small Anim Pract. 1997;38:7-14.
11.   Jaggy A Bernardini M Idiopathic epilepsy in 125 dogs: a long-term study. Clinical and electroencephalographic findings J.Small Anim Pract. 1998;39:23-29.
12.   Jaggy A, Faissler D, Gaillard C et al. Genetic aspects of idiopathic epilepsy in Labrador retrievers J.Small Anim Pract. 1998;39:275-280.
13.   Jaggy A Heynold Y [Idiopathic epilepsy in the dog] Schweiz.Arch.Tierheilkd. 1996;138:523-531.
14.   Kathmann I, Jaggy A, Busato A et al. Clinical and genetic investigations of idiopathic epilepsy in the Bernese mountain dog J.Small Anim Pract. 1999;40:319-325.
15.   Lengweiler C Jaggy A [Clinical, epidemiologic and therapeutic aspects of idiopathic epilepsy in 25 golden retrievers: results of a long term study] Schweiz.Arch.Tierheilkd. 1999;141:231-238.
16.   Lohi H, Young EJ, Fitzmaurice SN et al. Expanded repeat in canine epilepsy Science 2005;307:81-
17.   Mandigers PJ, van den Ingh, TSGAM, Spee B et al. Chronic hepatitis in Doberman pinschers. A review Vet.Q. 2004;26:98-106.
18.   Mandigers PJJ Epilepsie bij de hond en kat. Boekje uitgegeven in eigen beheer. 2003;2:1-42.
19.   Mandigers PJJ Populatiegenetica en de rashondenfokkerij. Boekje uitgegeven in eigen beheer. 1989-2004;2:1-8.
20.   Mandigers PJJ Insights in the pathogenesis of Dobermann hepatitis. Proefschrift UU. 2005;5:1-242.
21.   Mandigers PJJ Wanneer is een ziekte eigenlijk erfelijk? De Hondenwereld 1996;51:555-556.
22.   Mandigers PJJ, van Nes JJ, Knol BW et al. Hereditary necrotising myelopathy in Kooiker dogs Res.Vet.Sci. 1993;54:118-123.
23.   Nielen AL, Janss LL, Knol BW Heritability estimations for diseases, coat color, body weight, and height in a birth cohort of Boxers Am.J.Vet.Res. 2001;62:1198- 1206.
24.   O'Brien DP, Barshop BA, Faunt KK et al. Malonic aciduria in Maltese dogs: normal methylmalonic acid concentrations and malonyl-CoA decarboxylase activity in fibroblasts J.Inherit.Metab Dis. 1999;22:883- 890.
25.   Oberbauer AM, Grossman DI, Irion DN et al. The genetics of epilepsy in the belgian tervuren and sheepdog J.Hered. 2003;94:57-63.
26.   Overduin LM Slow release Phenytoine in Canine Epilepsy. Proefschrift UU. 1994; 7-30
27.   Patterson DF Comparative medical genetics: studies in domestic animals Birth Defects Orig.Artic.Ser. 1974;10:263-277.
28.   Patterson DF, Aguirre G, Fyfe JC et al. Is this a genetic disease? J.S.A.P. 1989;30:127-139.
29.   Patterson EE, Armstrong PJ, O'Brien DP et al. Clinical description and mode of inheritance of idiopathic epilepsy in English springer spaniels J.Am.Vet.Med.Assoc. 2005;226:54-58.
30.   Patterson EE, Mickelson JR, Da Y et al. Clinical characteristics and inheritance of idiopathic epilepsy in Vizslas J.Vet.Intern.Med. 2003;17:319-325.
31.   Podell M Epilepsy and seizure classification: a lesson from Leonardo J.Vet.Intern.Med. 1999;13:3-4.
32.   Srenk P, Jaggy A, Gaillard C et al. [Genetic basis of idiopathic epilepsy in the golden retriever] Tierarztl.Prax. 1994;22:574-578.

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